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Merge Two Javascript Objects With Multiple Matches Per Key

I have two objects which I am trying to merge. I am almost successfully worked with answer from this question (Merge two unordered objects with different keys but same value?). Th

Solution 1:

I was able to solve my problem. I determined that I needed to collapse the object with multiple items associated with the same key before I merged the two objects. I was able to use the answer from this question to help me do this. How to combine JSON object with same key and add their other corresponding values?

Here is the code I came up with that seems to work nicely.

// DEFINE VARIABLESvar partitions = [{
        '$': {
            uuid: '{0F314A21-B066-B597-BCFA-6EC88CF8813B}'
        name: ['AllPhones']
        '$': {
            uuid: '{4DCF3A89-ADA1-2770-4154-F6E0204D9A71}'
        name: ['Unity_Connection']
        '$': {
            uuid: '{B653BC00-2D90-790C-AE0D-16C3DD2F8EDD}'
        name: ['LAB-Tansform-Calling']
        '$': {
            uuid: '{148C8971-87E4-49D3-1536-69B6C95293B3}'
        name: ['Blocked']
        '$': {
            uuid: '{25534E0F-F69A-FDDB-2FAD-34312BB6CEFC}'
        name: ['LAB-PSTN-Sim-911']
        '$': {
            uuid: '{EC1E144B-2C8C-22CC-F1F5-423CF0343367}'
        name: ['LAB-PSTN-Sim-Local']
        '$': {
            uuid: '{9C7F3223-AE2D-7605-C642-0CEAB81CD555}'
        name: ['LAB-PSTN-Sim-LD']
        '$': {
            uuid: '{15AFADC3-859B-2806-B9D1-5678CE035E3D}'
        name: ['LAB-PSTN-Sim-Intl']
        '$': {
            uuid: '{5DD43CF0-5FB0-A6A0-A71D-D284265F37C7}'
        name: ['Agents']
        '$': {
            uuid: '{7FDE7E11-F821-2491-BB08-E6A41DAB205D}'
        name: ['UCCX']
        '$': {
            uuid: '{17500618-9567-92B9-8C15-95D794094A3F}'
        name: ['Intercom']
        '$': {
            uuid: '{77049844-AB06-F899-26D0-C0940E20D4D5}'
        name: ['Netech_Managers']
        '$': {
            uuid: '{A9DD47E0-1C4A-AAB9-E859-E6EEDB26E6B0}'
        name: ['Assistant_Route_Point']

var transpatterns = [{
        '$': {
            uuid: '{3FF82ECB-7364-41DB-176B-65D28885339F}'
        pattern: ['9.19005554444'],
        description: ['Sample Outbound Call Block'],
        routePartitionName: ['Blocked']
        '$': {
            uuid: '{18C2C829-AFAE-DB28-A003-5F1731907D85}'
        pattern: ['555555XXXX'],
        description: ['Inbound DID Range'],
        routePartitionName: ['AllPhones']
        '$': {
            uuid: '{465EFEF8-C405-8D30-2C97-4BF9907C92C6}'
        pattern: ['3100'],
        description: ['Intercom Xlate'],
        routePartitionName: ['Intercom']
        '$': {
            uuid: '{C17E117C-41C7-D459-8CD1-B1D3C4EDC40D}'
        pattern: ['3101'],
        description: ['Intercom Xlate'],
        routePartitionName: ['Intercom']

var hash = {};

// FUNCTION - COMBINE ITEMS WITHIN OBJECT - WITH SAME KEY:routePartitionNamefunctioncombine(arr) {
    var combined = arr.reduce(function (result, item) {
        var current = result[item.routePartitionName];

        result[item.routePartitionName] = !current ? item : {
            pattern: current.pattern + ',' + item.pattern,
            description: item.description,
            routePartitionName: item.routePartitionName

        return result;
    }, {});

    returnObject.keys(combined).map(function (key) {
        return combined[key];

// FUNCTION - COMBINE ITEMS WITHIN OBJECT - RUNvar result = combine(transpatterns);

// FUNCTION - COMBINE OBJECTS - CREATE HASHfunctionclassify(e) {
    if (hash[] || hash[e.routePartitionName]) {
        Object.keys(e).forEach(function (c) {
            hash[ || e.routePartitionName][c] = e[c];
    } else {
        hash[e.routePartitionName ||] = e;


// FUNCTION - COMBINE OBJECTS - ITERATE HASH + REMOVE ANY FIELDSvar combo = Object.keys(hash).map(function (e) {
    delete hash[e]['routePartitionName'];
    delete hash[e]['$'];
    return hash[e];


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