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Google Maps - Setting It Up To Work With Rails 5 - Geocoder Not Geocoding

I have been trying for 4+ years to try and figure out a way to use google maps in my Rails app. I'm currently trying with Rails 5. I recently posted this cry for help. The suggesti

Solution 1:

As usual, start simple and slowly add more code. I used the basic Rails app from my previous answer.

I added gem 'geocoder' to Gemfile.

After bundle install, I added

geocoded_by :name# can also be an IP address
after_validation :geocode

to my Marker class, which already has latitude and longitude defined as :decimal attributes.

In rails c :

Marker.create(:name =>'New Dehli')
Marker.create(:name =>'New-York')

Done, they appear on the map!

NOTE: If for some reason some Marker doesn't have coordinates, the map will not be displayed, and you'll get a "too much recursion" Error in js console. To avoid this, you can make sure all your Markers have coordinates by enabling after_validation :geocode in your model, and launching this in in your console :

Marker.where(latitude: nil).or(Marker.where(longitude: nil)).each{|marker|}

Saving the marker triggers the validation, which triggers the geocoding.

If for some reason you still have non-geocoded Markers, change your js to :

functioninitMap() {
  var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
    zoom: 4
  var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();

  var n = markers.length;
  for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    var lat = markers[i].latitude;
    var lng = markers[i].longitude;
    if (lat == null || lng ==null){
      console.log(markers[i].name + " doesn't have coordinates");
    }else {
      var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
        position: {lat: parseFloat(lat), lng: parseFloat(lng)},
        title: markers[i].name,
        map: map

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