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Convert String To Either Integer Or Float In Javascript

Is there a straightforward way to parse a string to either integer or float if I don't know if the variable is integer-number-like or decimal-number-like? a = '2'; // => parse t

Solution 1:

Multiply string which has number data with 1. You will get the Numeric data value.

var int_value = "string" * 1;

In your case

a = '2' * 1; // => parse to integerb = '2.1' * 1; // => parse to floatc = '2.0' * 1; // => parse to floatd = 'text' * 1; // => don't parse    //NaN value

For last one you will get NaN value. Manually handle for NaN value

Solution 2:

Just wrap it in Number()

Number('123') === 123

Number('-123.456') === -123.456

Solution 3:

That's how I finally solved it. I didn't find any other solution than to add the variable type to the variable ...

var obj = {
	a: '2',
	b: '2.1',
	c: '2.0',
	d: 'text'
// Explicitly remember the variable typefor (key in obj) {
  var value = obj[key], type;
  if ( isNaN(value) || value === "" ) {
    type = "string";
  else {
    if (value.indexOf(".") === -1) {
      type = "integer";
    else {
      type = "float";
    value = +value; // Convert string to number
  obj[key] = {
    value: value,
    type: type
document.write("<pre>" + JSON.stringify(obj, 0, 4) + "</pre>");

Solution 4:

You can use:

  return x==x*1?x*1:x

  return x==x*1?x*1:x

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