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Dynamically Generating Multiple D3 Svg Graphs

I've got an array of objects called graphData (size varies). Each element contains all the information required to create a d3 graph, and I am able to successfully draw the graphs

Solution 1:

Mike Bostock recommends implementing charts as reusable closures with methods. This would be an ideal implementation in your case as you want to have

  • multiple graphs with different data
  • potential reloading with new data (hopefully this is what you mean by dynamic?)

In broad strokes, what you want to do is wrap your code above into a function in very much the same way Mike describes in the post above, and then have data be an attribute of your closure. So here is some badly hacked code:

// your implementation herevar chart = function(){...}

var graphData = d3.json('my/graphdata.json', function(error, data){
  // now you have your data

// let's say you have a div called graphsvar myGraphs ='.graphs')
  //now you have g elements for each of your datums in the graphData array//we use the saved selection above and call the chart function on each of the elements in the selection;

//note that internally in your `chart` closure, you have to take in a selection//object and process it(data is already bound to each of your selections from above):functionchart(selection) {
    selection.each(function(data) {

Here is some more good reading on the topic.

Solution 2:

Well you can try the following approach.

var graphData = data.graph;

//forEach will return each element for the callback, you can then make use  of the e1 to draw the graph.

   //graph code goes here.


Solution 3:

providing this as your source array

//it's just a single circle in 3, 4var stuff = [3, 4];
var source = [ [stuff, stuff], [stuff] ];

a bit of Array stuff

Array.prototype.max = function() {
    returnMath.max.apply(null, this);

Array.prototype.min = function() {
    returnMath.min.apply(null, this);


var dim = [];


var min = dim.min();
var max = dim.max();

var x = d3.scale.linear()
        .domain([min, max])
var y = d3.scale.linear()
        .domain([min, max])
    .data(source) //first step: a div with an svg foreach array in your array
    .selectAll('circle') //second step: a circle in the svg for each item in your array
        return d; //returns one of the [stuff] arrays
    .attr('r', 5)
    .attr('cx', function(d){
        return x(d[0]);
    .attr('cy', function(d){
        return y(d[1]);

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