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Uncaught TypeError: Cannot Read Property 'authenticateClientAndRetrieveSessionId' Of Undefined

I'm using the Vue.js with Vuetify framework. I need to use a form with a location address field. That field has to suggest the list of location addresses, when the user starts typi

Solution 1:

I found a fix for this!

I used the snippet that was shared here and my code now looks like this:

function GetMap() {
                Microsoft.Maps.loadModule('Microsoft.Maps.AutoSuggest', {
                    callback: onLoad,
                    errorCallback: onError
                function onLoad() {
                    var options = { maxResults: 5 };
                    var manager = new Microsoft.Maps.AutosuggestManager(options);
                    manager.attachAutosuggest('#search_78', '#header-search', selectedSuggestion);
                function onError(message) {
                    document.getElementById('printoutPanel').innerHTML = message;
                function selectedSuggestion(suggestionResult) {
                    document.getElementById('printoutPanel').innerHTML =
                        'Suggestion: ' + suggestionResult.formattedSuggestion +
                            '<br> Lat: ' + suggestionResult.location.latitude +
                            '<br> Lon: ' + suggestionResult.location.longitude;

After going back to my page, the error changed and it said that my credentials were invalid, and it redirected me to where I could create a valid key. Using that key fixed the problem and now I can see the suggested addresses form.

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